Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How can you cope?

Today, my Catholic colleague (Mr Dominic Sim) picked up the mass booklet from the staffroom printer and returned to me. He said this was probably mine. But what surprised me was his next question, "How do you cope? Still doing all this?" (He was referring to my catechism work.) It surprises me because we hardly talk although we sit facing each other.

I guess he just couldn't imagine how I can cope with two demanding jobs, school teaching as well as teaching catechism. I know he must've found it unbelievable because he is now a Senior Teacher but is no longer a catechist. I just smiled and thanked him, but I forgot to reply to him. It's enirely due to God's grace. Without His mercy and strength in me, I certainly can't do that much!

Fr Erbin once said that teaching catechism is a 24/7 vocation and so is school teaching. Very often, I wonder why does God call me to these two vocations, especially when I'm not a person who is capable in managing myself and my time well? And yet, the greatest miracle thus far in my life is I'm still surviving in these two vocations! I believe this will be one of the greatest sacred mysteries in my life.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Encouragement from 'Jesus Feeds Five Thousand'

Yesterday was the last Parish Team Training session for SPP. Coincidentally, we also read about the story of 'Jesus Feeds Five Thousand'. This morning, I happened to chance upon this story again in the Gospel of Matthew and I find it so reassuring for me.

The points that struck me are
1) Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up to heaven, and gave thanks to God.
2) He broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples ... (This reminds me of Fr Erbin passing the first piece of bread to me yesterday.)
3) ... and the disciples gave them to the people. (like I peeled off the second piece of bread and passed it on to my fellow catechist, Kayne. Subsequently, each catechist did the same thing.)
4) Everyone ate and had enough.
5) twelve baskets full of what was left over.
6) number of men who ate was about five thousand...

Connecting this miracle that Jesus performed to our work in the children catechism ministry, I realise that I don't have to underestimate myself due to my inadequate knowledge or experience or amount of time I can afford to dedicate to this ministry. Each of us has to face our own constraints and difficulties in life. For most catechists including me, I guess the biggest challenge is how to grapple with our careers / studies and church work. Those who are married will have one additional dimension to add on to this struggle: family life. But this Gospel story reminds all of us that regardless of all these, as long as we offer up to God any little amount of time, energy or knowledge that we have, God will equip each of us with His graces and strength to enable us to continue to spread the Good News, and He in turn will bless each of our catechetical session and transform it into spiritual 'food' to feed the young people that we catechize.

Since Jesus Christ is our only Teacher, pray to him and ask for his divine help to transform each catechetical session that we have tried to put our best effort to prepare.

May our loving God sustain each one of you with His wisdom, strength and fervour for building up His Kingdom.

With love, prayers and peace,

Thursday, July 14, 2011


   我不认为自己的英文可以和洋人一较高下,因为我是来自讲华语及方言的家庭。读书时,在‘O’和‘A’水准考试中,我只考获中庸的英文等级,从来没有考到优等的分数。虽然自己是要理老师,但我还没彻底地认识整部圣经,更未掌握天主教的所有教义。坦白说,偶尔办告解时,还会忘记怎样念悔罪经,只好支吾搪塞。更可耻的是,到现在,我还诫不了迟到的坏习惯。往往每天早上,不是得搭德士已避免迟到,就是沦落在校外‘罚站’,等候升旗礼完毕为止。这样的一个人,何德何能能够当灵魂的工程师,众学生的榜样呢?这岂不是天主的仁慈吗?想到这,我不知如何回报天主的大爱。但仍然必须天天面对自己的软弱走下去... ...但愿有一天,我能脱离这些软弱的束缚,若不能的话,只求它将成为彰显天主威能的工具,间接地荣耀天主。

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Luke 16: 11-12
If, therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth, who will trust you with true wealth? If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give you what is yours?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Discernment Once More

Initially, when I saw these video clips, I thought that I appear to manifest some of these signs... But now, I think it's just another wishful thinking because I'm not in the least holy at all.

Friday, June 3, 2011

No Love? No Dream?

Today, I saw this slogan on a T-shirt.

3 essentials of happiness:

Find something you love to do.

Find someone you love.

Find something you can dream about.

I try to reply to these 3 questions.

Yes, I can often find something interesting to do.

But I don't seem to have someone I love. I'm also not sure whether I do love God?

I also don't have things to dream about anymore.