Monday, December 21, 2009
Qualities of St Joseph and Messiah
2) Sensitivity
3) Responsiveness to God
4) Self-discipline
- taken from Fr Thomas' homily
For me, although I'm a leader in the Catechetical Ministry now, I have yet to possess all the four desirable qualities of St Joseph and Messiah. However, I feel that God is rescuing me from my hideous sinful nature and is trying to develop these four qualities in me through the people around me, at home, in school and in church. At least, my heart is being stirred up by the Holy Spirit and I'm now more watchful of my real intentions and attitudes behind my actions. Praise the Lord! Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Awakening 2
Indeed, I’m quite certain that this book was hand-picked for me by God Himself. If not, I can’t explain why I got so immensely attracted to this book after browsing through a few pages of it and without hesitation, I borrowed it instantly as if it contains the answers I need.
After reading this section entitled “Goodness and Rightness” in this book, it starts to dawn on me that I’m indeed a bad daughter. In addition, many events that happened to my church life recently point out that I have no real love for my mum. I think my love for my pupils and even for my stuffed toys can surpass the ‘love’ for my mum. I hate my mum for restricting my freedom. I hate my mum for not trusting me enough. I hate my mum for accusing me of harbouring selfish or evil intentions when I can swear that I do not have such intentions at all. I hate my mum for accusing me of flaring up when my temper hasn’t even risen. I hate my mum MOST when she says that I resemble my sickening Dad and cannot notice that I’m already striving to change for the better, by the grace and salvation of God, although certainly not perfect yet! Because of all that, I’m deeply agitated with my mum and I find that sometimes, her words just rouse more resentment and anger in me. This is the brokenness that is rampant in my apparently ‘close’ relationship with my mother.
My heart is getting more unsettled and disturbed these days. I used to think that I’m a filial and obedient daughter who sacrifices my time for my mum and she really should not ask for more, comparing myself to contemporary teenagers who seldom go out or spend their leisure time with their parents. But recently, God seems to be reproaching and has been bombarding me with Bible phrases like ‘do not harden our hearts’, ‘it is kindness that I want, not animal sacrifices’, ‘put on sincere love’, ‘not grow tired of doing good’ and the like. These biblical messages and the current circumstances have stirred me tremendously out of my comfort zone.
All along, I assumed the fault lies in my mother for hurting me. But this book has made me realize that children need to show a greater tolerance and appreciation for their parents’ limitations and recognize that being also humans, they are capable of inflicting pain on us too. However, parents are not wrong because they still love their children. On the contrary, I have high expectations of them since parents are the role models and our closest ones. I strongly felt that all the more, they should not hurt their children. That’s why I often collapse into tears whenever my mum accuses me, and my mum will take that crying as a sign of my meekness. But I can’t tell her the truth that she has accused me and even if I try, both parties will get ‘hotter’. She’ll never understand.
The solutions to my predicament are to practise sorrowful obedience in addition to simply joyful obedience (mentioned in Fr Thomas’ homily) and to take refuge in Lord Jesus. In other words, gladly accept these unfair treatments as a kind of suffering and trial that God our Father wants me to undergo and triumph over it. Continue to see the face of our Heavenly Father in my mum’s face, no matter how ‘unreasonable’ she may sometimes be, because ultimately, she still loves me. Love prevails and reigns! When tensions are running high at home, focus on the Lord for He is my rock and refuge. Focus on the Lord's love for me and thus in gratitude, I should avoid sin. Do NOT focus on preserving my dignity.
Last but not the least, one comforting message that I get from this book is the more I’m made aware of my own flaws in my character, I’m actually being drawn closer to God. Allelujah!
Lord, I thank you for sustaining me and allowing me to grow through this awakening. Thank you for letting me to come out of my shell of complacency. I pray that you will give me the strength and grace to show genuine love to my mum. Strengthen me in faith to allow me to surrender and trust in You.
Goodness and Rightness
1) The key to morality is to strive to know the right and to do it. Otherwise, we are bad.
2) Morals are matters of love, are matters of effort.
3) Real sin is the failure to act, the failure to love. In fact, throughout the Gospels, sin is not attributed to obvious wrongdoers, but consistently to those who don’t bother to love.
4) What have I done for Christ? What am I doing for Christ? What will I do for Christ?
5) Appreciate that parents have limitations and recognize that parents are capable of causing considerable harm. The parent may be wrong, but not because of any failure to love.
6) Hearts of sinners have not been “bothered” or “unsettled”; they are content, complacent, resting assured.
7) We ought to be modest about our self-understanding. In terms of rightness, we might be more upright. In terms of goodness, we might not necessarily be more loving.
8) For our lives are not personal achievements. What we have now in our lives is not an accomplishment, but a gift.
9) As saints get older, they realize that there is plenty for them to be thankful for because of God’s mercy. They also grow in the self-understanding that they are probably not as good as they thought they were.
10) As people get closer to God, they realize that most of the light is radiating from God onto themselves, and not, vice versa.
- extracted from James F. Keenan, S.J. Commandments of Compassion
The Awakening 1
It was my first visit to the Catholic Welfare Centre library at Waterloo Street next to my church. I went there with two senior catechists. I was feeling rather upset deep inside my heart because of the conflicts I had with my mum earlier. She scolded me for not answering her phone calls when I had switched it on silent mode during a course. She accused me for desiring to be in different groups as her during the Chinese Bible class whenever we draw lots. I was most stunned and saddened by her false accusations. In the quarrelling process, she complained that the main reason is because I never place her in my top priority. Later, in retrospect, I realized this could be true and that is why I have seldom or never considered her needs, which adds on to her level of insecurity and anxiety. I do not have compassion for my mum and only think of defending myself whenever she accuses me.
During catechism class this morning, I asked my pupils to think of three guiding values in a family and surprisingly, one of them said humility and another said stupidity. Aaron then asked me whether I had gotten angry before. I mustered my courage and shared with them my ‘suffering’ the day before. After recounting my disagreement with my mother in tears, I told them that I initially thought that truth should be an essential value that governs all interactions within the family. But I now realize that love is the more important ingredient that binds a family closer together. If you sincerely love your family members, then you will not do anything to destroy the intimate relationships, not even fighting for your own justice. However, this is something I have failed to do and God was telling me through my pupils to be more humble and even to claim ‘stupid’ if necessary to maintain peace and harmony in the family.
On the same day inside the library, Agatha reminded me that what matters most is not doing all the big things or projects for Christ. But in fact, the tests of our faithfulness come in the form of whether we choose to obey Christ in all the small things that we do in our daily lives. That is truly an apt reminder for me, especially in all my communications with mum, which I must remember for the rest of my life as I dedicate myself to the service for God.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Gokusen 2009 The Movie Trailer
Yakumi's simply my heroine! (But I haven't watched the movie yet. :<)
A Worth of Sacrifice / The Bridge
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”- Jn 3:16
Graffiti Bridge to Life
The Stool
Friday, November 20, 2009
Day 15- Formed for God's Family
1) We will get to be with God forever.
2) We will be completely changed to be like Christ. (Still being pruned by God and in the process, I realise more and more of my shortcomings and sinfulness.)
3) We will be freed from all pain, death and suffering. (Not exactly true. All Christians are required to carry our own crosses / bear with our suffering, but we wait in patience and hope as we trust that our Lord Jesus will carry us along.)
4) We will be rewarded and reassigned positions of service. (I'm often being condemned both in my mother's and school leader's eyes, but somehow God is the only one who lifts me up and assigns me
a position of responsibility in the catechism class ministry- the Overall Coordinator. It seems like only God can see the value in me and nobody else appreciates me.)
5) We will get to share in Christ's glory.
The riches of his grace such as kindness, patience, glory, wisdom, power and mercy will pour on us abundantly on Earth.
But in eternity, we will inherit even more.
- taken from Rick Warren's The Purpose-Driven Life
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Freedom and Filial Piety
"My role in my family (single-parent) is not only as a daughter, but I also should be a husband to my mother."
Taken aback by the double roles that I have to fulfill, I realise my actions so far have not assured my mother that she is well-appreciated in my heart. Although whatever I did may be common among my peers, such as not calling back home automatically and regularly every day, it does make her uneasy while for me, it is no great deal! When her level of anxiety rises, so does her intensity of rage. Consequently, all kinds of abusive remarks and wrong accusations fall on my ears and pierce my heart.
If you ask me how I feel, of course I would feel enraged! In my sadness, I will often lament about my extremely deprived freedom. But WHAT CAN I DO? I realise God demands me to do more to show that I'm a filial child for my mother who is deprived of love. She's deprived of parental love since young (sold as a child), sibling love, genuine love of a husband and friendship, so I CAN'T possibly let her be deprived of kinship love from a daughter! Maybe I should put it this way: I can't even do anything that possibly suggest to her that she has no place in my heart.
However, I feel really miserable because I can't suppress my craving for freedom! I can't be like any other middle-aged singles who can go out with friends for a movie or shopping anytime! Why?
As I was preparing for tomorrow's catechism class, I saw what Mother Teresa said,
"The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved. ... We must start in our homes to remedy this kind of poverty." (I remember Father Thomas said that before in one of his homilies a long time ago, as if God is reminding me of His commandment of love.)
Lord, please help me to surrender my desire for freedom and sacrifice my own will for the love of my mother! I admit by my selfish nature, I have no power to do that willingly and persistently, but I trust that I can do it one day, with God's grace and divine mercy. (I don't want to wait till the day my mother leaves this world before I sincerely repent my mistake and change.)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Unjust Punishment
Then, there goes my opportunity to attend PROM Night and LISS Seminar. Sickening! Just a few hours ago, she had still agreed to let me go for PROM Night and now, it's all gone! Absolutely no room for negotiation! What followed was a series of ranting! Ya, yaya! My attitude and behaviour are not exemplary at all and I have not conducted myself well as a teacher, catechist and a lector. In your eyes, I'm always a "tor sui ka" (in Cantonese), all because I'm the descendant of my sickening Dad (瘟神的种)! I will never grow up and mature in your eyes! If I don't fall into the trap of this self-fulfilling prophecy, it is all by God's grace!
I think I'll never get my freedom as an ADULT!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Shocking and Biblical Youth Message
The renowned preacher, Paul Washer, urges us not to compare ourselves to the world, but to compare ourselves to the Scriptures. If we profess to walk in the narrow way, we should walk in the way of righteousness as a style of life. Continuous repentance is the key.
Friday, June 19, 2009
With God, There's No Mission Impossible!
“I do not live anymore- it is Christ who lives in me. I still live in my body, but I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself to save me.”
[Gal 2: 20]
Initially, I only planned to conduct the camp for upper primary pupils in order to keep the camp at a manageable scale. However, it seemed that the Holy Spirit was nudging me through Patricia, the CCD co-ordinator of Church of St Bernadette, to expand the camp and open it to firstly secondary pupils and then followed by lower primary pupils. Although God gave me such challenges, He never left me alone to think of solutions. As time passed, I drew inspiration from other church activities and even from my school activities. That was how I thought of having Amazing Race for lower primary segment and the movie retreat for the secondary session. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, I also managed to think of ways to overcome some logistic constraints.
But that was not the end of God’s testing on me. When I returned to school on Monday, which was a Marking Day for teachers, my Head of Department (HOD) broke a ‘disastrous’ piece of news to me. She reminded me that the Principal had wanted all teachers of graduating classes to key in the exam results two days before the official deadline, which was by Wednesday instead of by Friday. I was utterly shocked and was totally weakened! All my renewed hopes shattered! As I climbed up the stairs to my secluded marking place, my classroom on the top floor, I could not hide my feelings anymore and literally scream out to the Lord in great despair! I cried out, “Lord Jesus! Why did you give me this cross to bear? How am I going to meet my marking deadline? What should I do?” I was about to break down in tears when suddenly a positive idea struck my mind: Maybe this is God’s way of helping me to manage my time. When the school compelled me to complete my marking and keying in of marks earlier, I could then focus all my energy to complete school work first and devote the last two days entirely for the camp preparation. Otherwise, I would still be multi-tasking throughout these five days before 23 May, without knowing which one to focus first. Once I switched my perspective to look at this apparently ‘harsh’ arrangement from a positive angle, I felt instant relief.
Organizing the second i-Paul Camp is the milestone and turning point of my life. I begin to experience for myself that nothing is impossible with God, and the grace of God is sufficient to help me transcend all barriers and self-perceived limits to my potential. I now truly appreciate what St. Paul said, “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.” [2 Cor 12: 9] This trial has offered me the opportunity to feel the most vulnerable moment of my life so far, and thus has allowed me to witness God’s greatest power. I also feel that God is not only working in me, but is also working to unite and revitalize our whole ministry. All praises and thanks be to the ever-living God!
“My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ
Jesus.” [Phil 4: 19]
“I sought the Lord and he answered me, from all my terrors he set me free.” [Psalm 34: 4]
Monday, June 15, 2009
Cardboard Testimonies
My Cardboard Testimony
Friday, June 5, 2009
Staff CIP at Chek Jawa
(The one in red and yellow T-shirt is me, looking rather forlorn.)
(Team of colleagues for guided tour.)
Then, our tour guide led us climb up a flight of stairs. I was delirious with joy when I started to see the canopy of trees in the forest, beneath the clear blue sky. I echoed out the familiar tune of the Chinese movie 刘三姐 and to my pleasant surprise, 夏老师 replied with the same tune. 我们开始对歌了一会儿。
CASE Descriptions 1
1. Beautiful eyelashes, thick and curved.
2. The husband flat on his back, mouth open, snoring gently.
3. hair in neat bangs (AmE= fringe) on his forehead
Action Description
1. leaned back in the chair
2. kneaded the flesh above his eyebrows
3. leaped awake
Setting Description
1. In the silence of the office, he still heard Carl Seaton’s voice, all cunning gone, penitent (= remorseful / repentant / conscience-stricken), full of regret. (+ Emotion description)
2. under the harsh light of a 100-watt ceiling bulb
3. in the small cluttered office
4. his sneakers noiseless in the carpeted hallway
5. The bullet exploded through the thin blanket, small shreds of green cloth filling the air like rain, the noise of the shot not as loud as he’d imagined it would be.
6. the smell of gunpowder heavy in the air
Emotion Description
1. eyes became fixed and frozen in shock
2. Carl Seaton had confessed his acts of murder almost eagerly, glad to provide the details that would lead to his own doom, his voice buoyant (= carefree / lighthearted) with relief.
3. simulated sympathy and compassion
4. failed to provide the usual surge (= a sudden increase in the strength of a feeling) of triumph
Friday, April 17, 2009
My Fear
Though I'm a teacher, I have my fears too.
Today, I just read Nadhirah's blog and managed to gain a deeper insight on the journey my beloved pupils experienced during the 3-days Project Super Achievers programme. Actually, I would love to stay with my pupils till the end of that programme on Wednesday, if not for the sake of my mum who had food poisoning that week. It's such a pity that I missed the most heart-wrenching moments when my 5N pupils expressed their ambitions and fears that hinder them from performing. Tears actually streaked down some of their faces.
To tell you the truth, this is also the first year in my entire teaching career when I sensed the highest level of pressure and FEAR. Why? Because I am teaching the entire 5NA stream. If this is your first time studying for 'O' level English, this is also my first time teaching 'O' level English after getting so used to the NA English syllabus. On top of that, I was the one who asked for this 'cross', requesting to exchange 4/7 or 4/8 (can't remember now) for 5/1, thinking that this arrangement would benefit my students and me better. But there came a point when I started to wonder: Is this a right decision? Would I shortchange my beloved 5NA pupils by being possessive? Now, the responsibility to make sure everyone produces optimal English results for 2009 'O' level English exam is even heavier on me. I also cannot let Mrs Aziz down for entrusting the results of the entire 5N stream to me. My usual self-confidence crumbled, like a wall being torn down. (To be cont'd...)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Recently, I begin to feel how weary it is to sustain a friendship. I used to think I'm a benevolent or obliging person who won't reject anyone's request for help, but lately amidst my tight schedule of lessons and unfortunate circumstances, I begin to grow tired of acceding to my friend's requests. I begin to wish how good it would be if no one bothers me. That's why I prefer a life of solitude.
However, watching this video clip makes me feel utterly guilty and ashamed of myself. It gives me the stark realization that I actually don't understand the true spirit of self-sacrifice. My so-called 'suffering' is certainly not comparable to the imminent death that the old man is facing. He definitely must be more distressing than me, yet he still uses his remaining energy and time to brighten up the blind man's life, to help him see this 'colourful' and 'eventful' world.
"Aspire to inspire till you expire."
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Nothing can separate us from God's love, except for we ourselves
Nothing can separate us from God’s love. Not our favourite novels, songs, movies, television programmes, games, toys, pets, fashion accessories, shopping centres, arcades, a handphone, a trophy, medals, prizes, MSN, PSPs, a failed test, good results and even peers’ approval.
Nobody can divide us and God. Not a vengeful peer, our friends, boyfriend or girlfriend, school mates who are jealous of us or look down on us, dedicated or unsupportive teachers, loving or uncaring parents and guardians, quarrelsome siblings and even our favourite celebrities.
No situation can pull us apart from God. Not being a student leader, performing in a concert, winning a basketball tournament or a competition, grief over a deceased pet or relative, resentment at being accused, anger after being insulted or bullied, disappointment with siblings or friends who betray you, and even guilt from being caught red-handed.
In all these circumstances, we know that we are never alone. We can be assured that no matter what happens, God is always with us. But are there times when we allowed ourselves to be distracted by worldly obsessions? Are there times when we were too immersed in our joyful and victorious moments that we forgot to thank God for our achievements? Are there times when we failed to turn to God for counsel and wallowed into sadness and despair? These would be the occasions when we distance ourselves from God’s love. These would be the times when we prevent God’s healing power working within us.
Now, aren’t these situations contradictory to what St. Paul said about nothing could separate us from God’s love? The explanation is God our loving Father had given us the freedom to choose whether we want to establish our friendship with Him or not, and human beings sometimes abuse our freedom to choose not to acknowledge God’s presence in our lives.
Rick Warren, author of the book “The Purpose Driven Life”, wrote that to develop our friendship with God, we have to
1. be completely honest with God, which means to pour out our genuine feelings to God.
2. obey God in faith, not out of fear or compulsion, but out of gratitude and love for all Christ has done for us.
3. value what God values, i.e. the redemption of his people. Care about all the people around us and tell our friends about God. In other words, bring Christ to others through our words and actions.
4. meditate on God’s Word throughout the day.
In this Christmas season, let us choose to revive our friendship with God while celebrating Jesus’ birth so that Christ’s love and peace will remain within us forever.
(This is my fifth issue (28 Dec 2008) of Pauline Catechism section in my new church bulletin called The Apostles.)
A personal reflection article after reading Day 11 - Becoming Best Friends with God and Day 12 - Developing Your Friendship with God.