Thursday, September 3, 2009

Unjust Punishment

She was bathing and called me when I just sat down on the sofa in the living room to take things from my file. Admittedly, I did answer back in an unpleasant tone, thinking that why she still wanted to chat with me when she was still stuck in the bathroom.

Then, there goes my opportunity to attend PROM Night and LISS Seminar. Sickening! Just a few hours ago, she had still agreed to let me go for PROM Night and now, it's all gone! Absolutely no room for negotiation! What followed was a series of ranting! Ya, yaya! My attitude and behaviour are not exemplary at all and I have not conducted myself well as a teacher, catechist and a lector. In your eyes, I'm always a "tor sui ka" (in Cantonese), all because I'm the descendant of my sickening Dad (瘟神的种)! I will never grow up and mature in your eyes! If I don't fall into the trap of this self-fulfilling prophecy, it is all by God's grace!

I think I'll never get my freedom as an ADULT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when was life ever fair.. just like i have no idea why i have to care abt bull**** system of school
- Deric