Friday, June 25, 2010

My Gospel Reflection 3 (Matt 16: 13-19)

Although Simon Peter acknowledged that Jesus is Christ and Son of the living God then, he eventually denied knowing Jesus three times. Jesus clearly could forsee that happening but He still trusted Peter and declared him as the rock, on which He would build his Church. This shows that Jesus does not label others and thereafter condemns them. Instead, Jesus is ultra-magnanimous and merciful. Jesus had not only regarded Peter as worthy to serve Him, but even appointed him as leader of His Church. All human beings are weak in certain ways, but have we ever then disregard any person’s value because of their flaws? If that is the case, are we still imitating Christ?

In addition, Jesus told Peter, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be consider loosed in heaven.” Having keys of something means that you have access to something and for Peter, Jesus gave him the authority to determine who should enter the gates of heaven. Imagine if Peter were someone who abused his authority, wouldn’t heaven be in chaos? Hence, first of all, a spirit-filled leader should have humility and recognize that without God, nothing can be achieved. In all our work, we should strive to love Him, serve Him with a pure heart, and seek to exalt Him. The second essential quality is to act in righteousness, thereby showing obedience to our Lord. Finally, spirit-filled leaders are mindful that they are only stewards of whatever ministries they are called to lead and thus the need to demonstrate accountability, both in terms of material resources as well as the spiritual well-being of their people.

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