Saturday, December 20, 2008

Best Birthday Present

Originally wanted to finish my lunch first before coming to school to receive the "fruits of my labour" - the long awaited GCE 'N' Level results for English Language for the entire 4NA stream. But just as I set off, I received a sms from Ms Evonne Tham. She informed me that 100% of the 4NA pupils pass the English Language 'N' Level exam. I was in high spirits (very happy and proud / jubilant) and praised the Lord instantaneously. Yes, once again, He had helped me and all my pupils to achieve such excellent results. Thank you, dear Lord Jesus! All glory and praises be to God! I then decided to change my mind to bring packed lunch to school and 'savour' (to enjoy sth) my results as I consumed lunch.

Besides being grateful to God's divine blessings, I also need to express my appreciation to each and every 2008 4NA student who has contributed to such glorious results. This is indeed the best present that you can give me before my birthday. I'm truly impressed with the results of the majority of you. Congratulations to those who scored distinction for English Language: Ali, Javin, Kevin, Ridhwan, Kian Wei, Agnes Ong, Hardi, Benny, Danyal, Khalisah, Nadhirah, Kuang Sheng, Christina, Andy and Melvinder. For those who are promoted, remember to work even harder next year as passing 'O' level English Language exam may be considered an uphill (difficult) task to most of you.

For the ten students who are not promoted to Sec 5NA, please do not be disheartened. Failing an examination does not mean that you are of no use. It either indicates that you had not put in enough effort in your studies or you might be more suited to courses of a less academic nature. Moreover, good character precedes (comes before) good results in the development of your future. You can clearly see what will happen to you when you manage to become a prestigious figure of authority but lack integrity, if you have been following the news of the destiny of the corrupt Taiwan former president Chen Shui-bian.

Hence, whether you are promoted or not, regardless of whichever environment you will be in, I pray that God will watch over you and will prevent you from being led astray. May you stand firm in your religious belief and cling on to your moral values always. May God bless you.


Javin said...

hey ! was searching for ur tag board and found out that it's no longer there. well, thanks for the continuous prayers and thanks giving that you have given :) it really makes a difference, a great one ! at least to me :) ur posts was really encouraging and even sets me thinking for some time and never fails to refresh me too :) Thank God for you and keep on keeping on ! Love, Javin :D

Shan Kou Laoshi said...

Hi, Javin, I'm glad my posts are meaningful to you.

Anonymous said...

Miss Lee, thank for keeping each and everyone of us in prayer. Thank God for you teaching me for the past four years. Thank for being a difference.

Javin said...

hah serious? u might want to click the pg on the right and move it to the left :) i'll not be performing this time round .. maybe the next? hee :) abt that movie, i agree with you that it's quite thought-provoking. man ... i mean like it's only when we,humans sense the danger that may become a treath or until the point whereby we realise the need to change then will we start to change! i think it's very dumb of us that we change only when things starts to go wrong -which is alr too late but only at that point will we see the significant of change which is a good thing i guess hahaha like it's always better to be late than never kind of thing :)

Javin said...

significant of changing*

Anonymous said...
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Jenies said...

Miss Lee why u want delete ur tagboard ? and u chaged blogskin colour (:

Anonymous said...

Fuck jesus.even god cant save you from coral sec.instead of waiting for god to save ur ass go get a new job dumbass,do you REALLY think students ap[perciate whatever crap you put in blog?GET LIFE BITCH.