Friday, May 11, 2007

Joy of reconciliation

Remember my confidant who sort of let me down in the previous entry? Well, we had not been smiling with each other for a week whenever we saw each other in school. Honestly speaking, I didn't feel good about it. I mean she was once my refuge and had provided me with great timely comfort whenever I was deeply troubled, but how could we become like sworn enemies?

After last Sunday's mass which preached about loving each other as Jesus loves us, I felt strongly encouraged to reconcile with her, but I knew I was weak. I confessed to God that I really found it difficult to so-called forgive her, but I asked God to grant me the strength and the will power to do so because I'm willing to try to reconcile with her. Forget about who's right and who's wrong, I tell myself. Maybe to start with just a smile and that will be enough.

Praise God! On Tuesday when I met her at the canteen, we BOTH smiled with each other, almost at the same time. She even came to me and we had a short chat. After she left, there was a surge of joy flooding into my heart and I thanked God instantaneously for helping me to reconcile with her. I can't believe it! I am capable of forgiving someone! Later on, peace resumes in my heart as I do not need to worry about this strained relationship anymore. Now, whenever we meet each other, we'll say hello to each other naturally. God has repaired our relationship! Thanks be to God!


凌晨3点 said...

我还在很努力,也很战战兢兢地修行这门课。在希望内心能因宽恕而放下包袱的同时,也小心翼翼地设下防线保护自己,毕竟是曾经受过伤害的心,经不起再在同一处遭受打击。所以我不赞同"forgive and forget",我比较支持"forgive but remember" :)

sharon_lam said...

Dear Shan kou lao shi,
I think the struggles that we face everyday are very real.But in all circumstances,the key remains this-the choice to obey God and live out a life that pleases and honours Him.

Javin said...

Jeremiah 31:34
No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."

u done well =)
God is Proud of u =)

sharon_lam said...

wow...i'm really looking forward to working with you again!