Saturday, December 20, 2008

Best Birthday Present

Originally wanted to finish my lunch first before coming to school to receive the "fruits of my labour" - the long awaited GCE 'N' Level results for English Language for the entire 4NA stream. But just as I set off, I received a sms from Ms Evonne Tham. She informed me that 100% of the 4NA pupils pass the English Language 'N' Level exam. I was in high spirits (very happy and proud / jubilant) and praised the Lord instantaneously. Yes, once again, He had helped me and all my pupils to achieve such excellent results. Thank you, dear Lord Jesus! All glory and praises be to God! I then decided to change my mind to bring packed lunch to school and 'savour' (to enjoy sth) my results as I consumed lunch.

Besides being grateful to God's divine blessings, I also need to express my appreciation to each and every 2008 4NA student who has contributed to such glorious results. This is indeed the best present that you can give me before my birthday. I'm truly impressed with the results of the majority of you. Congratulations to those who scored distinction for English Language: Ali, Javin, Kevin, Ridhwan, Kian Wei, Agnes Ong, Hardi, Benny, Danyal, Khalisah, Nadhirah, Kuang Sheng, Christina, Andy and Melvinder. For those who are promoted, remember to work even harder next year as passing 'O' level English Language exam may be considered an uphill (difficult) task to most of you.

For the ten students who are not promoted to Sec 5NA, please do not be disheartened. Failing an examination does not mean that you are of no use. It either indicates that you had not put in enough effort in your studies or you might be more suited to courses of a less academic nature. Moreover, good character precedes (comes before) good results in the development of your future. You can clearly see what will happen to you when you manage to become a prestigious figure of authority but lack integrity, if you have been following the news of the destiny of the corrupt Taiwan former president Chen Shui-bian.

Hence, whether you are promoted or not, regardless of whichever environment you will be in, I pray that God will watch over you and will prevent you from being led astray. May you stand firm in your religious belief and cling on to your moral values always. May God bless you.

First Christmas

The story of the birth of Jesus Christ is told by Joseph's donkey, Zeke. This telling of the wondrous birth of Jesus together with the fascinating illustrations will delight children and adults alike and remind us all of the real meaning of Christmas.

(This is my fourth issue of Pauline Catechism section in my new church bulletin called The Apostles.)

Thursday, December 11, 2008













Saturday, November 29, 2008

When Tears Fall

In this first week of Advent, let us cast our burden on the Lord, revive our hope in the Lord and let the Lord heal us through this comforting song.

(This is my first issue of Pauline Catechism section in my new church bulletin called The Apostles.)

Day 10- The Heart of Worship

The heart of worship is surrender.

What does it mean to surrender?
Ans: Surrendering is not accepting the status quo. It may mean the exact opposite: sacrificing your life or suffering in order to change what needs to be changed.

Surrender is best demonstrated in obedience and trust.

How do you know you are completely surrendered to God?
Ans: 1) You know you're surrendered to God when you rely on God to work things out instead of trying to manipulate others, force your agenda, and control the situation. You let go and let God work.
"Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him." (Psalm 37: 7a) Instead of trying harder, you trust more.

2) You also know you're surrendered when you don't react to criticism and rush to defend yourself.

What are the blessings of surrender?

You cannot fulfill God's purposes for your life while focusing on your own plans / personal ambition.

Everybody eventually surrenders to something or someone. If not to God, you will surrender to the opinions or expectations of others, to money, to resentment, to fear, or to your own pride, lusts, or ego. You are free to choose what you surrender to, but you are not free from the consequences of that choice.

- taken from Rick Warren's The Purpose-Driven Life

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 9 - What makes God Smile?

What should be the goal of a Christian's life?

Ans: To make God smile.

How to make God smile?

Ans: 1) God smiles when we LOVE him supremely.

God deeply loves us and desires our love in return. He longs for us to know him and spend time with him.

2) God smiles when we TRUST him completely.

  • Trust God even when things don't seem to make sense.
  • Have faith that he knows what is best for our lives.

An excellent role-model: Noah

(Click on Noah's Ark to find out some useful life lessons you can learn from it.)

3) God smiles when we OBEY him wholeheartedly.
  • The Bible tells us that Noah obeyed completely (no instruction was overlooked), and he obeyed exactly (in the way and time God wanted it done!). That is wholeheartedness.
  • Do whatever God asks without reservation or hesitation.
  • Delayed obedience is really disobedience. God doesn't owe us an explanation or reason for everything he asks us to do. Understanding can wait, but obedience can't.
  • Partial obedience is also disobedience.
  • Wholehearted obedience is done joyfully, with enthusiasm.
  • Jesus says, "If you love me, you will obey my commandments." (John 14:15)

4) God smiles when we PRAISE and THANK him continually.

People feel better when they receive heartfelt praise and appreciation from someone else. God loves it, too. He smiles when we express our adoration and gratitude to him.

Because God supplies us with everything, from our daily food, family and friends, talents and to our lives, we should be grateful to God. It's not that God is a petty guy and will not bless us if we don't give thanks to him. On the contrary, God will still continue to shower his blessings generously on all human beings. But in the process of praising and thanking God, we recognise that whatever we have comes from God and indirectly, it helps us to develop humility.

5) God smiles when we USE our ABILITIES.

  • We don't bring glory or pleasure to God by hiding our abilities or by trying to be someone else.
  • Anytime we reject any part of ourselves, we are rejecting God's wisdom and sovereignty in creating us.

To sum up, like a parent, God does not expect us to be perfect or sinless. What matters is the attitude of our HEARTS. Is pleasing God our deepest desire? If so, there is nothing that God won't do for the person totally absorbed with this goal.

- taken from Rick Warren's The Purpose-Driven Life.

I feel that God has given me the grace to have a deep trust in him that he has laid out the best plan for my life and that he is determined is carry out this plan. I would say this is one thing I'm proud of myself with regards to my relationship with God.

But one thing I really need to work hard on is to obey God, who is present in all authority figures and my mother, wholeheartedly. When my mother asks me to run some errands, I would often delay in helping her and sometimes even forgetting all about it. When I'm told to carry out certain tasks, my first reaction would be to ask, "Why?" I used to think that it is only reasonable that I do things for you after I've understood or appreciated its rationale. If I don't agree with your explanation, then there is no motivation for me to do those tasks.

While this thinking may sound logical, at certain critical, especially possibly life-threatening moments, you just don't have the time to seek for the explanation. You must obey your leader immediately, without hesitation, unless you are prepared to suffer terrible consequences.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Testimony for Recruitment of Catechists

On 19 Oct 2008 (World Mission Sunday), I had to give two testimonies during Chinese mass at 8.30am and during English mass at 4.20pm for the recruitment of catechists at Sts Peter and Paul Church. This was my first time giving a testimony.




第二点、从孩子们的身上,我也可以学到东西,仿佛是天主在我教要理的过程中帮助我培养谦逊的美德。比如说,在我今年教的班里头,有一位很虔诚的小孩,名叫Amos. 他一踏进小教堂,坐下来,就会自己喃喃自语。原来他是在念天主经!这位小孩的举动提醒了我应该更敬畏上主以及事事多祈祷。



“Is Jesus handsome? Who is Jesus’ great great great grand-father?” These are
just some of the questions my P1 kids asked in the catechist class.

Hi, everybody! I'm Veronica from the Catechist Ministry. I'm here to share with you
three ways in which God has rewarded me after I decided to serve the Lord as a catechist.

Firstly, whenever I hear my pupils ask interesting questions about their faith in class and get very excited participating in the quizzes, games and activities during my lessons, I would feel delighted and that's enough to brighten up my day. All the time and effort spent in preparing for the lessons would be worthwhile.

Secondly, I get to learn a lot from the kids I'm teaching and in the process, God is also helping me to acquire humility. For instance, I have a very devoted kid in my class this year. His name is Amos. The minute he enters the chapel, he will straight away mutter “The Lord's Prayer” on his own initiative. He doesn't have to wait till communal prayer time, and that behaviour strikes me that I need to be more prayerful and show a greater respect for God.

Finally, but not the least, I realize I'm growing spiritually as well. I remember there was once I had great difficulties forgiving someone and coincidentally, that weekend, I was planning to teach about forgiveness. As I was practising narrating the parable of forgiveness, it suddenly dawned on me that God was using my teaching material to tell me what to do and to further convince me to forgive that person. God had manifested his love and presence for me at that time through my lesson preparation. So, isn't that a marvelous reward?

Hence, to sum up, like what St Paul said to the Philippians (4: 19): In return, my God will fulfill all your needs in Christ Jesus, as lavishly as only God can. And in the first letter to the Corinthians (9: 18): It is the privilege of preaching the Good News without charging for it, without claiming my rights in my work for the gospel. So, are you ready to take up this privilege to help spread the Good News to the young generation?

I doubt whether my testimonies have convinced anyone to be a catechist but there is one thing for sure, and that is, through the Biblical quotes in my testimonies, someone felt touched or comforted by God as one auntie came up to me and asked which chapter of the letter to the Philippians I had mentioned. I'm glad that my testimonies have effectively served as instruments of God's Words. Praise the Lord!

I also need to thank Lord Jesus for giving me the inspiration to write out these two speeches. Glory to you Lord!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

For One More Day- Forgive Yourself

When you’re rotten about yourself, you become rotten to everyone else, even those you love.

I had no one to talk me out of my despair, and that was a mistake. You need to keep people close. You need to give them access to your heart.

(extracted from For One More Day)

My greatest take from this novel is the importance of being able to forgive yourself.

Charley Benetto adores his father since young, only to see him leaving his mother when Charley is on the verge of adolescence. With regards to baseball, Charley is as passionate as his father.

Years later, after Charley is married, on his mother’s seventy-ninth birthday, his father calls him to invite him to play in an Old Timers game. Though Charley is a bit hesitant to accept the offer, he cannot bear to reject his Dad; so he fakes an excuse, lies to his mother, wife and daughter and flies off. As he is reminiscing (remembering / recollecting past experiences) the glory of his days as a young energetic baseball player while swinging his bat, his mother collapsed at his hometown due to a massive heart attack. Charley thus misses the only opportunity to bid farewell to his mother. As he drives home through the night, he is tormented more by guilt than by shock and grief. Since then, his life has been destroyed by alcohol and regret. He loses his job. He leaves his family. He hits rock bottom after discovering that he won’t be invited to his only daughter’s wedding, and this is the most crucial thing that drives him to commit suicide.

Clearly, as Charley cannot let go of the immense guilt deeply engraved in his heart due to his irrevocable decision, he submits himself to alcohol and his relationships with his loved ones inevitably deteriorates. He does not confide to his loved ones anymore and becomes “ornery (grumpy) and distant”. He imagines himself suffering all alone. He shuts everybody out from his own world until he meets his dead mother...

It is a well-known fact that hurting people hurt others. The longer you
avoid forgiving yourself, the longer you allow yourself to harbor the feelings that you deserve to suffer for what you did, the more explosive you will become and, therefore, the more apt you are to hurt others.
(extracted from

Personally, I had been through this experience before. (Refer to last year’s August entry 4/4- Bane of my Teaching Career) The feeling was terrible once I realized that I had vented my frustration on another group of innocent pupils. I resolved this problem by confessing my sin to God and asking God to teach me how to be a firmer and more righteous teacher. After that, the healing gradually took place and I have never since repeated that mistake again.

Teaching is a life-giving career. If we persistently dwell on our sins and cannot forgive ourselves, then we are robbing ourselves of the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and to move on with life and with God. How can we then overcome our obstacles when we are stuck in our misery? How can we then encourage our students to stretch their limits when we already believe that it is impossible for us to impact others?

Forgive yourself. Let go of whatever you are holding against yourself. You can let the healing begin...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Writing Testimonials

Yesterday, I finally completed the mammoth task of drafting all the testimonials for my form class. A huge load was instantaneously off my shoulder as I printed out all the drafts and passed them to Mr. Osman to vet. After the first vet, I still have to print out the amended testimonials for Mrs. Aziz to vet. After the second round of amendments, then it would be the Principal's turn to vet. So you see, it's such a tedious and laborious task and all of us have to be very careful about it as once the School Graduation Certificate (SGC) is printed, then correction of each error will cost the school $50.

We will give you a chance to check your testimonial, so by then, please scrutinise (to examine it in detail carefully or critically) it! But anyway, rest assured that I did not rush through this process of drafting. I spent on average an hour recollecting each student's achievements and strengths in his / her character and writing them down. Thankfully, I have no other urgent tasks to be completed at hand, unlike other teachers who have buried themselves in marking their Sec 1-3 exam papers. Thus, I was in the clearest and most relaxed state of mind while writing your testimonials. :>

The most challenging part of writing testimonials is to omit all negative remarks, even for the most challenging students. However, fortunately for me, as I have taught you guys for at least a few years, I have been able to pick up some commendable qualities for each one of you. Hence, look forward to your testimonial!

Few interesting statistics:
1) Shortest testimonial: Hardi
2) Longest testimonial: Maisurah (Had spent three hours drafting it!)
3) Most unique testimonial: Louie

This statement is from the bottom of my heart. I'm truly honoured to be the first teacher writing your secondary school testimonial.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You can do anything! You ROCK!

I can do anything I set my mind to.
I can make dreams happen by the things
that I do.

I dug out this motivational poster from my classroom drawer. The academic year for my dear 4N pupils is going to end in less than a week’s time. Very soon, they are going to face one of the greatest challenges in their lives, and perhaps the most daunting (intimidating / scary / frightening) one for them so far: the GCE ‘N’ Level examinations.

As I chatted with some of my pupils during my English lessons (which now are slacking time for them), some of them admitted to me that they only started doing serious revision from this week onwards, just a week before the start of their national examinations! I am appalled (extremely shocked)! But soon, I realized one possible reason for their half-heartedness in their preparation for the ‘N’ level examinations. It was their fear of ending up in Institute of Technological Education (ITE) despite having studied till secondary five.

No doubt, this is something that can possibly happen, but YOU CERRTAINLY HAVE CONTROL over your academic performance. YOU CAN DECIDE whether this ‘tragedy’ will happen to you or not.

Don’t set limits to your own capability! Once you have the fear that you can’t make it, your body will subconsciously produce the inertia (a feeling of not wanting to move or do anything) to influence you not to take so much action or put in too much effort to achieve your goals. Without much hard work put in, how can your goals be achieved? This is a self-fulfilling prophecy (a statement made about something they believe will happen). On top of that, the fear or the so-called limit will distract you and obstruct you from achieving success. This is a vicious cycle that just further reinforces the apparent notion that you are a born failure, but it's just an ILLUSION! You have to get yourself out of this trap!

Sound too philosophical or psychological? Well, I recently had a similar experience and let me share it with you. I usually take a long time to finish my meals, especially if it is my favourite vegetable rice. One day, my timetable was so packed. I knew I did not have the luxury to spend one hour for lunch but at the same time, after eating my breakfast in the canteen, I could not resist the tantalizing look of the fresh green leafy vegetables that was just cooked. I stood at the vegetable rice stall, gazing at it for a few seconds. I calculated the time that I could spare for lunch that day, only a mere twenty-five minutes during the upper secondary recess period. However, the temptation was so great that I decided to pack my lunch back to the staffroom, casting away all my concerns of the time constraint.

After teaching for two hours, I returned to the staffroom and quickly sat down to treat myself the packed vegetable rice. Usually, I love to multi-task by checking my e-mails and eating at the same time. But at that time, I did nothing except to concentrate eating my lunch. Of course, I managed to complete consuming my satisfying meal within half an hour. Another reason why I found that meal very fulfilling is because I broke my shortest eating record time, which would at least be forty-five minutes. If I had been afraid that I could not finish my meal in time, I would then have to starve till dismissal time, which was exactly what my colleague had to endure. She looked at me with envy and exclaimed, “Wow! You really manage to finish eating that delectable (delicious / very attractive) vegetable rice that you bought just now!” I smiled back at her with glee.

Well, hope this simple story can illustrate what I meant by not setting limits to your own capability. As long as you are not doing anything morally wrong or illegal, then go ahead! FOCUS, cast away all your worries and JUST DO IT! You will enjoy a BREAKTHROUGH in your life.

Remember, YOU ROCK!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Prayer for a Student

(This prayer is dedicated to all students who believe in Jesus or hope to ask for Jesus' help in your studies though you are not a Christian or a Catholic.)

O Infant Jesus, eternal Wisdom made flesh, who shed your blessings so generously on all, and most especially on school-children and students who trust in You, please look kindly on me as I implore (beg / appeal)You to guide and assist me in my studies.

You, O God made Man, Lord of all learning, source of all understanding and memory, come and help me in my weakness. Enlighten my mind, give me an ability to acquire knowledge and truth and the capacity to remember all I learn. Be my light, strength and comfort in moments of special difficulty.

By the grace of Your divine Heart, may I do all my school tasks to the best of my ability and gain the utmost profit from them, so that I may get good marks and, most important of all, be moved up next year.

To merit such favours, for my part, I promise to perform faithfully all my duties as a Christian and to love You more and more. O Sweet Infant Jesus, keep me always under Your protecting mantle (a loose, sleeveless cloak or cape) and be my guide, not only on the path of learning, but above all on the path to eternal salvation. So be it!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Making a comeback!

Finally, finally, I completed all my preliminary exam papers marking, prepared the examiner's report and model essays and distributed to my 4N pupils today, on their first day of the GCE 'N' level examination. It is such a relief, like a huge burden removed! Although there would be always some pupils who detested being held back and forced to listen to my feedback briefing, I did not care. I told myself not to be bothered by such unwelcoming gestures and remarks. All I know is I have done my best to prepare you guys and I am clear to my conscience.

After the invigilation and sorting out of my abandoned exam papers and notes, I decided to slack for a while to reward myself after working soo extremely hard for the past weeks or even months.

First, I checked my blog and saw Boon Hao tagging me. He has started his own blog, and through his blog, I saw many other 4N boys' blogs, like Chuan Yong, Xiang Yi, and the well-reputed Soon Yang's blog (Mr Labi's livejournal). I thought these boys were not interested in blogging initially. What prompts them to suddenly start their own blog at this stressful period? I pondered. To improve their English? Very unlikely, maybe it's true for Soon Yang. Or are they getting emo too so they need to blog to pour out their emotions? To relieve their stress? Perhaps.

My virtual journey in cyberspace then commenced. Visiting one blog after another and tagging one blog after another, including old ones and new ones, and soon, around two hours passed. I then start to type this apparently meaningless entry. Funny, the whole experience is just like catching up with some long lost friends when actually, I get to see them EVERY DAY! Really ironical!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Improve your English through Online Reading

My dear pupils,
I bet some of you are getting more and more anxious about the upcoming 'N' level English exam, right? Fret not. Besides practising papers after papers, here's the fun way to improve your English expression, enrich your vocabulary and as well as gain more knowledge about current trends and affairs.

Here's introducing you TWO valuable websites.
1) STOMP- (with a highly interactive and vibrant interface)
The sections that I like best are:
a) Talkback- a forum with a myriad of topics and perspectives.
b) Star Blog- Seven star bloggers penning their thoughts on controversial and sometimes personal topics. (a very good source of Standard English as compared to students' blogs)
c) Media Club- Access to a variety of less serious newspaper articles as opposed to those in Straits Times.

2) Channelnewsasia Blogs-
The only difference between Channelnewsasia Blogs and Star Blog on STOMP is that the latter contains entries on a designated topic every week whereas the other one contain more personal entries.

Don't just read blindly and quickly if you want to improve your language expression. Take down any useful words or phrases and copy the entire sentence accompanying it. Collect these useful vocabulary expressions and try to remember them.

Copy the entire text onto a blank Word document. Hide certain words and then test yourself to see whether you know the answers to the blanks. In other words, test yourself cloze passage.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Effects of Second-Hand Smoke


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Quit Smoking!

Believe it or not! The following statements are just smoking myths. I hope this video clip can convince you to quit smoking, once and for all.

Myth 1: Smokers need will power to quit.
Myth 2: Smokers choose to smoke.
Myth 3: Nicotine and gum patches work.
Myth 4: Giving up is hard.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Platform to Shout for God's Mercy

On 12 May 2008, I was officially diagnosed with Hand Foot Mouth disease. More and more blisters grew on my hands and feet and they were terribly itchy. However, I had to bear with the discomfort and continued marking the exam papers, which were still quite a lot then. (I was still left with three classes of summaries and three classes of compositions.) I believe I would certainly not be able to finish marking the papers by the time the pupils returned to school on the next day, 13 May. Hence, I felt that that illness befell on me like a blessing in disguise as I was given five days of mc. It was like an extension of five marking days for me, I secretly smiled to myself.

Unfortunately, after the severe itch stage, came the stage of excruciating pain. My feet were in such a great pain that it was so difficult to even lift each foot up. Walking inside my house was like climbing a mountain as I had to hold on to the surrounding furniture for every step I took.

Seeing my plight, my mother was worried that I could not recover by Saturday, 17 May, when I was supposed to help introduce my church, Sts Peter and Paul (SPP), to a group of visitors from St Bernadette church’s CCD. I told my catechist coordinator, Joyce, that I would like to take charge of the Divine Mercy section and the Infant Jesus section. Hence, my mother reminded me to pray to Infant Jesus for physical healing. I then started to pray the Infant Jesus Emergency Novena. (This Novena is to be said at the same time every hour for nine consecutive hours for just one day.) I requested the Lord to heal me completely by Saturday so that I could accomplish this “mission” together with the other two catechists.

The Infant Jesus Emergency Novena
O Jesus, You said, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.” Through the intercession of Mary, Your most holy Mother, I knock, I seek and I ask that my prayer be granted.

(State your request.)

O Jesus, You said, “All that you ask the Father in my Name, He will grant you.” Through the intercession of Mary, Your most holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask Your Father in Your Name that my prayer be granted.

(Repeat your request.)

O Jesus, You said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My word shall not pass.” Through the intercession of Mary, Your most holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer will be granted.

(Repeat your request.)

At the same time, my mother asked me whether there was anything I ought to do for Infant Jesus but hesitated. I recalled that I originally wanted to share the story about the birth of the statue of Infant Jesus of Prague but Father discouraged it as he believed that the audience might have short attention span and so not be interested in long historical stories. However, despite his objection, the story still lingered in my mind when I had only read it once on a page printed out from the Internet. More importantly, I felt rather reluctant to abandon the story totally in my introduction of Infant Jesus to the visitors. I told my mother my reservation and she taught me to ask Infant Jesus whether I should share the story. I prayed to Infant Jesus, “Dear Infant Jesus, I would want to help spread your name. I will tell the visitors the story of the origins of your statue. Please help to alleviate the pain in my legs if you approve of my decision.”

The next day when I woke up, the pain seemed to be a little less intense. However soon, the tormenting pain resumed. Then, my mother suggested calling up the doctor to see whether there was any pain-killer available for my illness. I heeded the advice and indeed, the doctor gave me a few pain-killers and some pills for eliminating viruses. I only had to take one pain-killer and gradually, the pain reduced and eventually, disappeared. This time round, the pain had vanished for good! I could walk with ease again! Just then, I managed to complete praying the emergency novena for the third day. (I did it three times because on the previous two days, I did not manage to complete it at the exact fixed timing of each hour.) As soon as I had completed praying, I could move my legs up and down to even exercise! Apparently, Infant Jesus had removed my pain! He had given me the sign to proceed with proclaiming His story! I was brimming with joy and gratitude!

Sure enough, by Saturday, I had recovered to a large extent, though my legs were a bit swollen. Most of the blisters had already dried up. All praise and glory be to God! When I met Father, I informed him of my decision to share the story of the origins of the statue of Infant Jesus of Prague. Quite to my surprise, this time, he said, “I leave it up to you.” He also added that I should try to make it interactive in order to catch the audience’s attention.

At around 10am, the visitors from St Bernadette church’s CCD arrived. We embarked on our “mission” of introducing our church, SPP, to our distinguished visitors. After our catechist coordinator, Joyce, had briefed on the church’s history and highlighted some features about its architecture, it was my turn. I briefly mentioned about the divine mercy devotions held in our church and later, ushered the audience to sit comfortably near the Infant Jesus shrine.

When everyone was seated, I began my introduction. I first mentioned that the statue they saw in SPP is an exact replica of the one in Prague. Then, I went on with the story of the birth of the statue. ( I was expecting some inattentive, noisy and “switched off” audience, anticipating that they might get bored with the story, or rather with my presentation. However, much to my amazement, majority of the kids and almost all the adults were listening to me quietly. I even got a few responses from two older kids when I prompted them to predict the development of the story. I had never been able to grasp the attention of so many people before as I normally even have difficulties capturing the attention of my own pupils in my secondary classes. With utmost awe and gratitude, I gave thanks to Infant Jesus silently on the spot.

With the help of Father Thomas, our “mission” was accomplished smoothly. The visitors proceeded to visit our columbarium, the new parish building and finally, our adoration room.

Now, in retrospect, I recall a Lectio Divina practice that I had in the last Carmelite 2040 session. The part of the gospel extracted was from Mark 10: 46-52 and the title is Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight. At that time, in my rumination process, the phrase shouted all the more struck me and it remains in my mind till now. I feel that the Hand Foot Mouth disease was an opportunity for me to lean to Jesus Christ for help and healing so that I am put right with God through my faith in Jesus Christ. (Romans 3:22 God puts people right through their faith in Jesus Christ. ) Indeed, if not for this illness, I would never be so hardworking or pious to keep praying, to keep shouting to God for his mercy. I would still be so absorbed in my work and will never realize at a personal level, God’s overwhelming love for me. Despite the many sins I have committed, God still heals me and even acceded to my request. I hope this long testimony can help to lift all my praises and thanksgiving to God and Infant Jesus.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tuesdays with Morrie

Don't know why. Today, I feel like taking out Tuesdays with Morrie from my bookshelf and browse through the pages which I underlined and annotated last time. I came across these meaningful sentences and would like to share with my blog readers.

The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.

You know what really gives you satisfaction?
Offering others what you have to give.
I don't mean money, Mitch. I mean your time.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


  • Abraham could not see what was ahead, but he moved with FAITH and hope.

  • Move with FAITH in order to be transformed.

  • FAITH is the letting-go or surrendering of your daily life to God.

  • Behind the cross is the resurrection.

  • If you don't face hardship, you won't go far.

  • When I am afraid, I will put my trust in YOU!

(Some useful pointers I happened to recall from past homilies.)

Friday, April 25, 2008

When will some of my pupils grow up?

I don't know what's the trigger for today's commotion at the canteen and yesterday's commotion along the corridors.

Just scolded Louie for being rude to the CCA teacher, just scolded 4/3 to reflect on themselves (with Jacqui's video clip) whether they are making good use of their time, and yet these two commotions happened. Today, just as I was about to enter the Ladies, I saw part of this huge 'gang' commotion and witnessed how a few boys were gesturing and scolding at one another, with vulgarities, of course. A few of my colleagues were already there, pulling apart some parties and attempting to stop the fight that was about to begin, I hope. I just stood there and stared at them, doing nothing, but with utter disappointment. My heart was in tears. Today is already the last school day before SA1, yet they must create such a huge trouble for themselves.

Unlike my usual self who would normally go and find out from reliable sources what happened, but this time round, I'm simply too weary to find out anything. I guess partly, I'm afraid to know the truth too. When I returned into the staffroom, my colleague, Miss Loi, asked me whether I had bought the home-made barley drink sold in the canteen today. I just flatly rebuked her, "Do you think I still have the mood to buy drinks when I see my pupils almost fighting?"

Indeed, later, I continued my lesson with a solemn face. Then, after school, Wei Ming and his friends wanted to ask me some questions regarding English summary and they insisted me to teach them in 4/5 classroom straightaway. I obliged. After the consultation, they suddenly asked me whether I would leave the school or not. I did not give them a definite reply. I only questioned myself about my ability in developing pupils' character. It's really very disheartening to see that the batch of pupils you have followed them for years still displaying unacceptable behaviour. I reproached myself, "Have I been indirectly condoning them somehow?" In the classroom, most of the boys I have been teaching for years still don't co-operate and let me proceed with the lessons smoothly, so why should I continue? Dexter commented that I am the last teacher standing by them throughout these years and he urged me to stay on till they graduated in sec 5. In my heart, I said, "Stay on for what? To witness my pupils' behaviour deteriorating? I don't think I can withstand such a blow."

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Reflection on Jacqui Saburio's Video Clip

In one of my earlier entries, I wrote that life on earth is a test. God will put people through major changes and even senseless tragedies. Indeed, the accident that Jacqui Saburio experienced was truly God's test for her, and she has already passed this test with flying colours.
As normal human beings, we can't possibly imagine the immense agony she has been through: the excruciating pain when she got burnt in the car, during and after each of her fifty over operations; and all the great hassle involved in performing the daily routines. Not only that, as she is disfigured, I believe lots of people may have looked at her scornfully or full of apprehension, and she has to endure all those forms of rejection. Yet, she is still glad and grateful that she is alive. Most ordinary people, like us, would have fallen into an abyss of despondence if we were to go through such a state of great turmoil.

Her noble character of being capable to show forgiveness shines out even more prominently through this trial or affliction. God has evidently granted her the strength to endure everything and the grace to practise God's immeasurable love for people at the time she was put to the test.

Jacqui has epitomised the virtues of resilience, forgiveness and inner tranquility. Praise the Lord!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Living Example of Survival and Inner Beauty

Jacqui Saburio- a living example of survival and inner beauty.

Let's emulate her strength, love for life despite such traumatizing struggles she faces daily, and most of all, her ability to forgive.

(I encountered this video clip during one Carmelite 2040 session recently in my church.)


My dear pupils,
This is a much simpler, straight forward version to encourage you to pave your way to success.

The most important lines I feel are "No excuses." "Just do it!"

Inspirational Quotes for Success

My dear pupils,
Hope that this video clip may motivate you to work harder for your success!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Meaningful Lessons from Way of the Cross

(Adapted from Church of Sts. Peter and Paul's Way of the Cross booklet.)

First Station: Jesus is Condemned to Death

Christ: Though Pilate acted unjustly, it was more from fear than from malice. If Jesus loved Judas who betrayed him, he must have loved Pilate as well even though he condemned him. Jesus also submitted himself to Pilate’s rule because this was his Father’s will.

Prayer: Lord, sometimes it is difficult to love our superiors. We may not like them; or they may give us commands we do not like; or they may be unjust or partial. Yet Lord, if you could love Pilate and Herod, surely you could help us to love those whom you appoint to guide and lead us. Jesus, my Lord, help me to see that it is you whom I obey in all who govern me.

Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time

Christ: The God who made the universe and holds it in existence is too weak as man to bear a piece of timber’s weight. This is the human reality which I experience.

Prayer: Lord, I willingly accept my weaknesses, my irritations and my moods, my headaches and fatigue, all my defects of body, mind and soul. Because they are your will for me, these handicaps of my humanity I gladly accept them. Make me content with all my discontents, but give me strength to struggle after you.

Sixth Station: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

Christ: Can you be brave enough, my other self, to wipe my blood-stained face? Wherever sufferings exist- my face is there. And there I look for you, to wipe away my blood and tears.

Prayer: Lord, what you ask is hard. It calls for courage and self-sacrifice and I am weak. Please give me strength. Don’t let me run away because of fear. Lord, live in me, act in me, and love in me. And not in me alone – in all men – so that we may reveal your glorious face on earth.

Seventh Station: Jesus Falls the Second Time

Christ: This seventh step, my other self, is one that tests your will. From this fall, learn to persevere in doing good. The time will come when all your efforts seem to fail and you will think: “I can’t go on.” Then, turn to me, my heavy-laden one and I will give you rest. Trust me and carry on.

Prayer: Give me your courage, Lord, when failure presses heavily on me and I am desolate. Stretch out your hand to lift me up. I know I must not cease to persevere in doing good, but Lord, alone, I can do nothing. With you, I can do anything you ask. I will.

Tenth Station: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments

Christ: Before my creatures, I stand stripped. The Cross – my death bed – even this is not my own. Yet who has ever been so rich? Possessing nothing, I own all- my Father’s love.

Prayer: My Lord, I offer you all- whatever I possess- and more, my very self. Detach me from my cravings. Release me from the vice of pride, my longing to exalt myself, and lead me to the lowest place. May I be poor in spirit, Lord, so that I may be rich in you.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mixed Emotions


But fortunately and surprisingly, 4/5 was rather peaceful after the usual 'commotion' [chaos]at the beginning of each lesson, and I could teach continuously for at least about 40-45 minutes, without incessant [constant; non-stop; continuous] scolding. Of course, as usual, I had to issue first warnings to a few talkative pupils and eventually punished Wei Ming to sit on the floor. He cheekily sat on the teacher's chair until I noticed him and demanded him to sit on the floor. Well, thank God, at least, I don't have to blow my top, like what happened for the past few lessons in 4/5.

Then, 4/4 brightened up my day during the last period. When I asked them whether they wanted the English remedial this Saturday as I thought they might be needed at home to help out in spring cleaning and buying things for Chinese New Year, I was pleasantly surprised. Except for Yuan Fong, Zhen Wei and Hui Xiang who expressed their wish to cancel this week's remedial, there was quite a number of girls who said that they would intend to come this Saturday. Soon Yang then remarked that my remedial had to remain as scheduled due to popular demand. Much to my relief, before I left the classroom, Hui Xiang also said that he could put aside his own activity and try to come. Thanks be to God! Actually, this is the greatest comfort of the day, especially after what happened to 4/3 and me this morning.